Pilates for all walks of life!
$7.03 a month after 7-day free trial
Pilates is a safe, controlled, yet challenging exercise. With emphasis on proper breathing, correct spinal and pelvic alignment, you will learn how to effectively activate your core. With concentration on smooth, flowing movement, you develop a distinct awareness of your body; you learn to control its movement. Choose a range of levels - restorative classes for those with certain movement restrictions, level 1 and 2 classes, Pilates barre, specialty classes (eg release your mid back), Pilates for Parkinson's. Our certified instructors' and Physiotherapist's cues will guide you safely through the exercise. Join us today, and get moving in the comfort of your home, at a time that suits you! New videos will be added regularly!! **Please read Disclaimer in 'content' link prior to viewing videos**
Mat Level 1 & 2
2 videos
Mat class with options described throughout the class suitable for level 1, or for a more advanced level 2 option. Common advanced progressions for level 2 are full plank variations, increased stability/balance challenge for standing exercises or core stability exercises, and added mobility chal...
2 videos
The reformer provides a dynamic stability challenge with a moving surface, and adds resistance via the loops and footbar for upper body and lower body strength exercises. It is a great tool for picking up on and correcting any imbalances left to right, or between different muscle groups, for bot...
Pilates for Parkinson's
3 videos — 1 extra
Classes will combine Pilates movements and concepts with PWR movements. Counter the common postural challenges faced with Parkinson's - strengthen your upper body posture, activate your buttocks to improve hip extension, mobilize your thoracic spine into rotation, and work on transitions, steppi...
Specialty classes
4 videos — 1 extra
Each class focuses on a specific area to get you moving more freely and in better form. For example, the "Thoracic mobility & shoulder stability" class will work on freeing up your thoracic spine to then allow better positioning and stabilization of your shoulder girdle.
Restorative Pilates
9 videos — 1 extra
Restorative Pilates is a slower paced class to allow more detailed explanation of movement to facilitate a return to healthy movement for anyone experiencing restrictions. Positions don't push the end of one's range of motion, and are not held for any extended length to avoid over fatigue. Exerc...
Pilates Mat level 1
15 videos — 1 extra
A Pilates mat class will focus on core activation, shoulder stability, hip strength, and spine & hip mobility. Experience specific cues to improve your movement patterns and mind body awareness. Utilize breath to gain more mobility, encourage proper muscle recruitment, and relax restricted ar...